This is VIENTO, a dream created by nomadic SURFERS.

We started this adventure in 2005, and today we maintain the same enthusiasm as the first day. More than a team, VIENTO is a family that puts all its energy into this humble project.

At VIENTO we love nature, discovering new places and above all, surfing with our friends anywhere in the world. Always in search of sun, summer and good waves!

All the illustrations and designs of the brand are original, creations of our CEO and surfer "VIENTO", the most creative part of the family. VIENTO loves art and design, and is always drawing wherever he is in the world.

The project that defines us is very clear in everything we do, we are into SURF, NATURE, the SEA, TATTOOS and creative ILLUSTRATION!!!


We have come with a very clear message, we reject the monopoly of multinationals with big productions that are not aware of the exploitation and the environment, long live MOTHER EARTH!

At VIENTO we only work with sustainable raw materials, recycled and recyclable materials. We use ecological water-based inks, so wherever the cotton comes from, we print in certified factories in Spain and Italy.

We also collaborate with various associations and NGOs, which we have met on our travels. We actively participate in humanitarian aid and ecology initiatives all over the world, from India, Indonesia or Latin America. In addition to donations, we have painted schools, sent clothes to remote villages that have nothing, and we have even been teaching in the poorest schools on the planet.


Our philosophy is "YOLO", - You Only Live Once-, so let's be free and do what we love, without letting ourselves be led by a society that deceives us and dictates our future! There is not only one way to live, choose yours!

We create clothes for lovers of life, surf this life with us, and take part in this small revolution. Will you join YOLO?

Our logo, "the anchor sailor", is always very present in everything we do. It is a very important symbol for us. And we explain why...

When sailors are at sea, far from their families, the anchor helps them as a point of return. It is considered a universal symbol of steadfastness, tranquility and fidelity. In the midst of a rough sea with the most adverse elements, the anchor will be the one that will fix us and ensure our return home. The anchor is the link that binds us to our loved ones.

We hope with all our hearts that you will want to be part of this, now your FAMILY, for a long time to come. Welcome to VIENTO!




Not everything is Fashion, Tattoos and Surf. VIENTO collaborates with humanitarian aid companies in India and Indonesia.

In Pushkar (India), there is a small school for girls, where classes are given completely free, so that the girls have a better future to the poverty that has imposed them.

As you know, in this country there is a great inequality between men and women.
Women are the most disadvantaged, and are sometimes forced to marry at a very early age.
In exchange for attending our school, we force parents not to marry their girls before the age of 10, thus prolonging a happier childhood and providing a better future.

In addition to the classes, this association collaborates with tasks of feeding and help of all kinds.



But our big project is HARAPAN, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. Our aim is to provide education to the most underprivileged children, but also to provide food, clothing and help; in addition to financing for medicines, hospitals...

The families of this region live in cabins without water, electricity or any kind of comfort.
They survive by collecting seaweed for large cosmetics companies, with an average salary of about $20 a month.


The lack of money leads to a lack of food and hygiene. This situation causes severe infections and malformations, sometimes amputations.
In addition natural disasters seem to hit this island again and again over the years.

We are proud to say that we have saved the lives of many children and adults in one of the poorest regions of Indonesia. Thanks to our committed team, and also thanks to numerous selfless donations from many people who want to help us in our struggle for a better world.


All help knows little by little, so if you want to support us in the fight against inequality and poverty, here are some links to collaborate :)


Because you only live once, make it count!



In VIENTO we believe that things can change. and we know that there are also many problems nearby!
And it is for this reason that we give service for labour and social integration, collaborating with non-profit companies such as Femarec and foment-Formació.
Work Coaching, helps people at risk of social exclusion and disabled people.
If we all change little things around us, in the end we will achieve Big Changes at a Global level ;)


For a green Planet!

Our range of t-shirts and hoodies are produced from a quality cotton, and the production process is controlled.

The production of our Earth Positive range undergoes annual audits to comply with the FWF (Fair Wear Foundation) Code of Labour Practices in accordance with the International Labour Organisation’s conventions.

Our range of garments are made in manufacturing facilities from low-impact raw materials. The carbon footprint of the products has been reduced.

All garments are printed in-house using waterbased environmentally friendly inks.

Let’s break it down… Our new packaging is made from compostable and biodegradable materials!

We always recommend washing your garments cold and hanging dry. Cold water will do a fine job cleaning your garments, as well. Not only will it prevent the ink from fading, but will also consume less electricity.

We also collaborate with "Protección de bosques, Madre de Dios, Peru"; to protect a part of the Amazon that is under threat.

And of course,using independent energy supply in the Caribbean (  Wind energy, Vader Piet, Aruba )



